Top 5 Articles of the Week – November 15, 2013

collegeweb It has been a few weeks since our last post here at YesCollege, and in research, we have found that there is a plethora of new information for parents and students gearing up for college applications!

It’s getting closer to the end of the year, which means deadline for college applications and scholarship applications is approaching. These articles will help make the process a bit easier for both parents and students, and make those looming deadlines seem less daunting!

College Admissions and Preparation

  • College Admissions: 4 Ways To Avoid Rejection Of Your Application – Applying to college can be stressful, and often times students are worried that their application will not be given the attention it deserves. This article outlines four ways to gives students a better chance of having the college of their dreams view their application.
  • In College Admissions, Social Media Can Be a Double-Edged Sword – In current culture, social media is the latest fad. Anytime anyone does something, or eats something, the first thing they do is upload it to a social media site. But, often times, students do not realize that colleges can see what they’re posting. This article discusses how to make sure your social media content does not turn away colleges.
  • Become Familiar with College Entrance Requirements – College entrance requirements can often be overwhelming, and sometimes. Even confusing. This article delves into what colleges really look at, and how students can be better prepared for application.

Affording College


  • How to Create Compelling College Scholarship Essays – In addition to writing essays to apply to college, students also fret over the essay they need to write to win a scholarship. Often times, winning a scholarship can be the deciding factor in where a students will go to school, and whether or not they need to take out student loans. This article provides tips on how students can write compelling essays to give them the best opportunity possible.

That’s everything for this week, stay tuned for next week’s top articles for more college tips and facts!

About the Author Jennifer Temple

Jennifer helps contribute to the content and marketing of YesCollege. She writes informative articles for the site, and helps YesCollege content reach a wide audience of parents and prospective students. She is currently a full-time student at DePaul, getting her B.A. in public relations/advertising, and her M.A. in relational communications.