Enrolling in a college or university, getting good grades, graduating, and receiving a job offer in your field of choice should be what any student is working towards. This episode of the YesCollege Podcast is all about how to achieve those goals and be considered a “college success story.” Our guest who helps Scott break this all down is Kyle Winey, author of HACKiversity a book all about achieving more with less effort in college.
Kyle had a rude awakening when he thought he’d done everything right but found himself stuck at the tail end of his college career. Meanwhile, one of his Fraternity brothers (who he’d always thought of as a bit of a slacker had a job offer all lined up). The lessons he learned from that, and his insight into what it takes to succeed in college these days are invaluable to any student!
Kyle Winey went to college, studied hard, and graduated at the top of his class. He did everything “right,” yet no one seemed to want to hire him. Turns out he, and a lot of other students, were following a broken set of rules that simply aren’t as effective as they used to be. That’s why Kyle felt it was important to write HACKiversity, a book filled with lessons and advice that he wishes he knew about during his college years. HACKiversity is designed to help change students’ lives by showing them what to do while in college, and how to do it, to be better set up for success.
Kyle started with his book, and didn’t stop there. On his website, students can get advice on how to improve grades, write papers, and what failure means and how to recover. He addresses a plethora of other topics with the goal to help students make the most out of their college years. Students can also check out his interviews with others who’ve graduated college and are eager to share what they too have learned from their academic journey.
Higher education is nothing without students, so we want to recognize students who are doing great work building community and engaging their peers with college life.
So for this week, my team and I decided to recognize Club Quidditch at NC State.
Yes, I must admit some of this selection is a bit of bias because we’re a bunch of Harry Potter nerds, but most of it is because they do such a fantastic job running their organization. It’s a club focused on competing in a newer, but growing sport… Muggle Quidditch.
They’re also big on community outreach, having taught Quidditch to many different groups including the Girl Scouts, and Holly Ridge Elementary School.
Online, you can find their player of the week posts, membership rules, team news, photos, and of course their Quidditch calendar. They are also of course active on social media:
Congrats to The Wolfpack, and keep up the great work!
We're the YesCollege team, and we're pretty nerdy when it comes to higher education. Between our awesome podcast, with REAL COLLEGE PROFESSORS, and our database of programs, our goal is to help prospective students make the absolute BEST choice for their degree.
Ep 34: College Application Advice with Ashley McNaughton of ACM College Consulting
Ep 32: College Planning with Mira Simon
Ep 27: Low-Income Student Success with April Bell of NCCEP
Ep 36: Internships and Experiential Learning with Dr. Kathryn Winsted
Ep 35: Folklore Programs with Dr. Lynne S. McNeill