Paying for college is big expense, and one that is increasing. Tuition rates continue to rise and a growing number of borrowers will have a difficult time repaying their student loans. And when you add in textbooks, living expenses, and other supplies students can expect to pay high dollar for an advanced degree.
But college does not have to be paid entirely out of pocket. There are ways to save money and keep debt manageable, especially if you qualify for scholarships. Scholarships (also referred to as gift funds) are awarded to students based on academic merit, special talents, and financial need. They are an ideal source of funding, as they don’t need to be repaid.
Get the most important tips and facts about applying for scholarships with this episode of the YesCollege Podcast. Scott is joined by the brilliant Jocelyn Paonita Pearson, founder of The Scholarship System, a site all about helping students (and families) find and get college scholarships. Click here to view this episode’s show notes.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
Scholarships can be competitive and application requirements are often extensive. Many scholarships are based on merit so even if you don’t prove strong financial burden, you can earn money for college by getting good grades. And in some cases, exceptional academic achievement may result in a full ride to the school of your choice!
The options outlined below will help students find ways to meet and quite possibly reduce the cost of higher education. Funding options are out there and with the right resources and a little perseverance, you may find that you qualify for significant benefits.
Let’s start with the FAFSA – an acronym you need to know.
The Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FASFA) is used to determine a student’s eligibility for financial aid, including Pell Grants or Work-Study programs. Students may complete the application online by creating a PIN for electronic signing and document retrieval. Completing the FAFSA is the first step for all students applying for aid. Some scholarships require FAFSA results, especially those based on financial need. You can also check out a free financial aid estimator, the FAFSA4casterSM tool to give you an early estimate of your eligibility.
The FAFSA takes more than a few minutes to complete. In fact, completing the FAFSA can take weeks, due to the paperwork and information gathering necessary for processing. But if you follow the steps in a reasonable amount of time, you should okay. The following information and documents are needed to fill out a FASFA:
To help you better understand the different types of aid available as well as the financial aid process, check out this helpful visual from The U.S. Department of Education:
Finding and applying for scholarships is time consuming, and as you may know, or soon find out, there are A LOT of scholarship scammers on the prowl. These sites are not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education. In fact, these sites are designed to get your personal information to sell to a spam organization. Stick with the free scholarship search tools to prevent an inbox full of junk. Also make sure to avoid “scholarships” that require you to pay a fee to receive the money or pay taxes on the funds. And NEVER EVER give out your Social Security Number! This is a huge red flag. Any request for personal information is always a warning sign.